progressive wave การใช้
- Dance company matanicola together with the progressive wave presented their dance performance " BodieSlanGuage ".
- But an electro-magnetic wave is a kind of progressive wave ( more specifically transverse wave ).
- First, Alabama was resisting the epochal progressive wave that swept the region in 1970 and installed New South governors like Jimmy Carter in Georgia and Reubin Askew in Florida.
- Ideologically, 羦ila was a conservative within the liberalist ranks, usually referred to as Cartismo, and was in opposition to the progressive wave that appeared as a result of the Septemberist Revolution ( September 1836 ).
- For 2016, the following participants have been confirmed : filmmaker Udi Aloni with his Junction 48 film crew, violinist Guy Braunstein, classical Trio Mondrian, baroque ensemble Sferraina, Omer Klein jazz Trio, Tango Factory, playwright and filmmaker Micki Weinberg, performance artist Progressive Wave, dancers and choreographers Oren Lazovski and Nir de Volff / Total Brutal, as well as artists of the Circle1 Platform for the Arts.
- IEC 60268-4 specifies that frequency response should be measured in " plane progressive wave " conditions ( very far away from the source ) but this is seldom practical . " Close talking " microphones may be measured with different sound sources and distances, but there is no standard and therefore no way to compare data from different models unless the measurement technique is described.